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What's new at Aqua Plumbing

Boiler Health Check

Posted on: 10/07/18

Boiler Health Check

Sort it out this Summer!

Just because your boiler hasn’t broken down yet, don’t assume it’s not about to!

Don’t wait until the colder months before you kick start the boiler.  Why not book in your annual boiler service now and have one less thing to worry about once the kids go back to school in September?  Then you’ll be sure it’s in good working order to get you and your family through the cold winter months!

Servicing your boiler during the warmer months makes sense, then any remedial works can be carried out when you’re not reliant on it heating your home.

We recommend customers have an annual boiler service to maintain a healthy and cost-efficient boiler.

Regular servicing can head off underlying issues you might not be aware of.  Issues which could even be hazardous.  Either leaking water on the electrics, circuit boards or rusting flue pipes which if left unchecked can cause lethal carbon monoxide fumes to bounce back into your home.

If caught in the early stages these problems can be minor and easily fixed, however if left to fester, can lead to unnecessary expense and inconvenience.

Just like your car, if you don’t service it regularly, it’s far more likely to break down, cost you more in the long run and end up destined for scrap!

Stay one step ahead, get your boiler ready for the winter by simply booking in your service over the summer.

To book your boiler service simply call one of our friendly team on 01590 671875 or email [email protected]

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