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What's new at Aqua Plumbing

Sensor Taps Reduce Infection

Posted on: 18/06/20

Sensor Taps Reduce Infection

How many times have you stood at the tap washing your hands, singing happy birthday (twice!) and thought “now how do I turn the tap off without touching it and re-contaminating my newly clean hands?”

Ok, so you might not be singing happy birthday twice over, but I bet your hand washing has become more frequent and considered?  And I’m sure you’re acutely aware of the surfaces and handles you touch, not touching your face and then washing your hands as soon as you can afterwards?

Plenty has changed over the last few months, but as we slowly emerge from lockdown one change we’re seeing more and more, is the call for contact-free wash facilities in those previously locked up public spaces.

As reported in the Guardian last month, public health experts, designers and architects are in agreement, we need to change the way we design public toilets if we’re going to limit the risk of a second wave as well as head off future pandemics. 

As plumbing and bathroom installers we want to see new build and design innovation keep up with the need for stringent infection control.

And there are many.  Self-cleaning cubicles, non-touch exits, bathroom attendants.  

Brendan Murphy, chief medical officer in Australia, predicted “we will be washing our hands in a new way for the rest of our lives, even beyond this virus.”

One innovation growing in popularity is “infra-red sensor taps.”  You simply hold your hand underneath the water flow to trigger the water on and off!  No need to touch.

NFDC Headquarters – #insafehands

Just before we went into lockdown the Aqua Plumbing & Heating team were approached by NFDC Lyndhurst head office to ask if we could replace all their existing ‘manual push down’ taps in the staff toilets.

Aqua Plumbing Replace Push Down Taps

Staff had already raised concerns that once they washed their hands, they would have to touch the tap again to turn it off, thereby re-infecting their already clean hands.

Aqua Plumbing & Heating to the rescue! 

We removed every pair of single taps and replaced them with movement sensing infra-red mixer taps, filling the spare hole in the basin with neat chrome discs while we were there.  

Aqua Plumbing & Heating Install Safer Sensor Taps

THE RESULT: By replacing the old push down taps with new sensor taps, we have reduced the need for touching potentially infected surfaces. Improving hygiene, reducing the risk of transferring infection and boosting staff confidence in the cleanliness of their staff facilities.

If you’d like to discuss your plumbing, heating or bathroom installation needs, just call 01590 671875 or email [email protected]

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